ICT Consulting Berlin
Alt-Gatow 53
D-14089 Berlin, Germany
ICT Consulting London
Suite LP#33941, 20-22 Wenlock Road
London, N1 7GU, Great Britain
ICT Consulting Edmonton
202, 8003 - 102 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 4A2, Canada
Avient Corporation (formerly PolyOne), Ohio/US
Global Project Management – IT Infrastructure Integration Program – Worldwide
Managing the IT-integration of 90 sites (manufacturing, sales offices) worldwide (US, EMEA, ASIA and LATAM) into the global IT network of Avient/PolyOne after successful Clariant Masterbatches acquisition.
DT Business Solutions GmbH, German Government
Project Management – Rollout DWDM & Metro Ethernet Networks
Managing the rollout of upgrades of several network sites of the German government’s Digital Mobile Radio Network all over Germany.
ITERGO GmbH, Germany
Project Management – DC migration into a private cloud
On-boarding of ERV Germany into the global infrastructure programme IISS run by ERGO group. Migration of two local data centers as well as of two international branches in Poland and Italy into a private cloud.
Damovo Deutschland GmbH,
Hessische Zentrale fuer Datenveraarbeitung, Germany
Multi Project Management – Rollout of “Hessen Voice” UCC Platforms
Rollout of Mitel MX-One based UCC solutions across all public authorities in the federal district of Hessen, Germany, on behalf of Damovo’s client “Hessische Zentrale fuer Datenverarbeitung” (HZD).
Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Germany,
Voestalpine Group IT, Austria
Sales Support
Sales & PM support for an international network modernization program of Telekom Deutschland GmbH’s strategic client VOESTALPINE.
Djibouti Telecom, Djibouti
Senior Interim Management – Network Modernization Program
Project and vendor management of an overall network modernization program (RAN/LTE, IMS, BSS) run by Djibouti Telecom; cross-department alignment management within Djibouti Telecom.
Detecon International GmbH, Germany
Business Research and Analysis – New Strategic Opportunities for the Telco Core business utilising BigData, Analytics and Automation.
Analysis of how „data driven“ approaches combined with automation will create new opportunities and benefits for the Telco core business. Market research of current BigData and AI approaches/solutions. Preparation of a position paper for marketing purposes.
Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
Infrastructure Consolidation Management
Cross-functional project planning and management of large scale infrastructure consolidation projects in the area of mobile IMS test and production environments.
Member of DTAG SVP steering committees.
Major achievements:
- significant Capex and Opex reductions (>6m Euro in 2015-16),
- alignment of strategic service deployments (e.g. WiFi calling, IN Evolution, Converged Messaging) as part of the “mobile goes IP” programme,
- improved quality of commercial services, e.g. VoLTE and Joyn (RCSe),
- future-proof utilization of multi-service IMS platforms.
Oracle Inc. (CGBU Acme Packet), USA & Germany
Customer Project Management
Management (SPOC) of the deployment of Acme Packets session border controllers (SBC) being an integral part of key strategic projects:
- “R4 IP InterConnect” interconnecting “all IP” fixed and mobile network domains for HD voice services(customer: Deutsche Telekom AG)
- “Voice over LTE (VoLTE)” based on virtualised network functionalities (Telco Cloud)(customer: Vodafone Germany)
Deutsche Telekom AG, Group Technology, Headquarters Germany
Vendor Management international
- Vendor Management across European subsidiaries of Deutsche Telekom AG in the context of OSS solutions for radio networks capacity and performance management. SPOC for suppliers and DTAG subsidiaries.
- Re-engineering of vendor management processes, organisation and chairing of international user forums across several European countries.
- RFI / RFP / RFQ preparation, proposal evaluation, vendor assessments.
Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany
Project and Subcontractor Management
Project planning, subcontractor and delivery management in the context of UMTS eNodeB development projects
Siemens AG, Germany
Mobile Payment Services Invention
Functional and technical design of a basic mobile network service in the area of mobile payment. Feasibility studies and market research. Evaluation in close cooperation with the “Innovation Board” supported by area and central boards of directors of Siemens AG.
Byteline Computer GmbH, Germany
Marketing and Sales Strategy
Re-engineering of an internet security solution, development of marketing and sales strategies.
Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany
Project and Subcontractor Management
Project planning, subcontractor and delivery management in the context of UMTS eNodeB development projects.
Vodafone D2 GmbH, Germany
Business Process Improvement and Organisational Development (D2 Service Management)
- Improvement of the D2 (service management) process organisation. Embedding the new organisational unit “service management centre” into the company-wide organisational and process structure.
- Analysis of the existing processes and development of a comprehensive incident management process for the production phase of D2 services (Credit, CallYa, WAP a. o.).
- Preparation of a requirements catalogue for a company-wide uniform IT support for the service management (workflow-) processes.
Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH, Germany
Operations Process Analysis and Development
Investigation, analysis and documentation of established D2 network monitoring processes. Process optimisation maintaining the given organisational structure.
Siemens AG, Germany
Project and Subcontractor Management
Project planning, subcontractor and delivery management for the development of an Operations Support Systems (OSS) for transport networks TNMS.
Deutsche Post AG (Business unit PostCom), Germany
Business Process Analysis
- Documentation and analysis of the established business processes and corresponding ICT infrastructure within the business unit „PostCom“.
- Conceptual design of an integrated workflow, systems and network management solution
IBM Informationssysteme GmbH, Germany
Project Management
- Project management support for a large-scale, international project. Development of an integrated network management / Operations Support Systems (OSS) OPUS for global telecommunications networks providers,
- Vendor and subcontractor management,
- Preparation of acceptance tests and procedures,
- Budget: 200 Mio DM, 50 team members, 5 equipment vendors.
RWE Telliance, Essen / o.tel.o, Germany
Project Planning, Bid/Proposal and Vendor Management, Offer Assessment
- Conceptual design of an integrated network management / Operations Support System (OPUS) for the entire telecommunications infrastructure of a (start-up) telecommunications networks operator,
- Analysis of planned telecommunications services with focus on network management services,
- RFI / RFP / RFQ preparations, proposal assessments,
- Vendor management.
Siemens AG, Germany
Operations Strategy for Intelligent Networks (IN), Quality Assurance Planning
- Preparation of a sustainable operations strategy for Intelligent Networks (IN) based on IN products of Siemens AG,
- Preparation of QA plans to meet high availability requirements for the “Intelligent Network Service Control Point (IN xSCP)” of Siemens AG.
Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany
Project and Quality Assurance Planning, Process Development
Development of the Operations Support Systems (OSS) IRONMAN
- Project and quality assurance planning,
- IT development process analysis and development,
- Preparation of functional design specifications.
DeTeBerkom GmbH / Deutsche Telekom AG, Headquarters Germany
Requirements Engineering
Investigation and analysis of network and service management requirements of major business customers (Daimler, Siemens, Citibank, Bertelsmann a.o.) of Deutsche Telekom (“customer network management”)
Siemens AG, Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Germany
Project Management international, Systems Engineering
Project management, i.e. planning and controlling of sub-projects as part of a large scale, international project. The goal of the project was to develop an Operations Support Systems SMN-OS for the optical network (SDH) infrastructure of global telecommunications network operators (Australian Telecom, British Telecom a.o.).
- project planning,
- tender/proposal assessments,
- bid preparation in cooperation with Siemens marketing and sales departments,
- coordination of the distributed (several locations in Europe) development teams,
- preparation of functional and technical design specifications,
- selection of suitable development processes and tools,
- Budget: 400 Mio DM, up to 200 team members.
Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Germany
Software Development, Quality Assurance Planning
- development of UNIX operating system (kernel) software based on multi-processor – hardware in the field of local area networks
- quality assurance planning
Nixdorf Computer AG, Kontron GmbH, Epsilon GmbH a.o., Germany
Software Development Projects
- quality assurance planning
- development of UNIX operating system (kernel) modules in the field of systems and network interconnection,
- development of hardware emulators,
- development of optical pattern recognition software,
- design and development of graphical user interfaces.